This study explores the intersection of philosophy, religion, and the clouding of academic research, analysing how philosophical and religious frameworks shape the production, interpretation, and dissemination of knowledge. The concept of “clouding” is examined, focusing on how certain biases arising from philosophical orientations, or metaphysical assumptions, and doctrinal beliefs can obscure objective academic inquiry. Through a historical and contemporary lens, this work investigates the role of religious doctrines and philosophical ideologies in influencing research methodologies, outcomes, and academic discourse. Case studies are employed and utilised to highlight instances where academic work has been significantly impacted by religious, or philosophical bias, questioning the neutrality and integrity of such research. In line with these challenges, the study proposes strategies for mitigating the clouding effect, emphasising the importance of objectivity, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary approaches in academic research. The paper ultimately argues for a more conscious and reflective approach to academic inquiry, where both philosophical and religious perspectives are carefully considered without compromising research outcome.
In this paper, a greedy algorithm using Simulated Annealing is proposed for the FPGA placement problem. The algorithm is implemented with a simulation program. It finds optimal answer in some cases and near optimal in other cases. However, the aim of this paper is not to devise an algorithm to compete with VPR results. The algorithm itself is only a suggestion to consider more greedy parameters along with approximation algorithms for such an NP-Complete Problem. The other concern of the paper is to demonstrate the simulation program and its different parts, some implementation issues and fascinating results of both developing and running the program. The simulation program is user friendly and flexible. It gains the ability of controlling the algorithm\'s parameters as input values and allows the results to be used for initial setting of further runs in a friendly manner. It visualizes the SA FPGA placement in a suitable manner to be used for educational issues.
Sub-synchronous oscillation occurs in frequency less than synchronous frequency, in transmission systems compensated by series capacitor and in a state of equilibrium of the system, it imposes great disturbance which brings about tortional modes with varied frequencies in the shaft of the generator which ultimately can result in fatigue in the shaft of the turbine-generator and even might result in fracture in the shaft with irrecoverable damages A thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) substantially improves transmission capacity and mitigates subsynchronous resonance (SSR). In this paper damping of SSR using NGH scheme has been done. The IEEE first benchmark model is adopted for studying SSR and its simulation. This model has been used in most researches of SSR. Finally, using PSCAD software, NGH scheme has been simulated. Simulation results show that NGH scheme is effective in damping and works successfully.
In the present study, the feasibility and the efficiency of the pervaporation process for treating ABS manufacturing wastewaters was investigated. A laboratory scale pervaporation system with flat sheet membranes was used in cross-flow mode. The influences of different operating conditions on the separation performance of the pervaporation process were investigated by measuring the BOD5, COD, permeation flux and enrichment factor. It was found that the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane was selective toward styrene and acrylonitrile, and the VOC removal efficiency improved as the feed flow rate and temperature increased while an increase in the permeate pressure and membrane thickness led to a decrease in the permeation flux. It was also indicated that styrene and acrylonitrile selectivity had a different behaviour when the permeate pressure raised. The results showed that pollution removal by the pervaporation was significant and the highest pollution removal of approximately 99% was obtained after 6 h.
Access to effective application of knowledge will increasingly determine the ability of nations in achieving productive, remunerative and ecologically sustainable agricultural development. It is thus decisive to have some strong graduate programs of high quality that are relevant and responsive to agricultural development needs. The relevance of graduate research projects and the quality of them thus deserves careful attention to leverage and optimize graduate research in agriculture and rural development. The purpose of this paper is to recognizing academic research condition in agricultural extension, education and development in Iran. To this end, the study analyzed 315 thesis and dissertation to understand, how and to what extent, proper research methods are applied to achieve realistic outcomes. Findings of logistic regression show that university and educational level especially focus on research method base on nature of data have key role in applying best research method.
With the advent of information and communication technologies, education and learning started to get new dimensions and new theories involving these technologies started to emerge. Ever since web-based, computer-based, virtual education technologies involving high quality digital and multimedia content have developed and flourished, their worldwide use and the resultant progression of e-learning using these technologies is growing continually.
The present study was carried out on an area of 13,284 acres, under the executive management, located in Guilan province, in the north of Iran. Firstly, physical factors of the area were analyzed. Then, the amount of road construction, forestation, and harvested volume, as well as the harvesting method in the region were determined for the years between 1993 and 2010. the average annual amount of sediment production in the whole region, within a period of 18 years, has increased annually at the rate of 3.54 tons per square kilometers (R2=0.56) at a confidence level of 95%. Operations management and management methods used in forest areas affect the amount of sediment production. Forestry management using a clear cutting method and extensive harvesting in the region caused an increase in the amount of sediment production, with a positive correlation coefficient equal to 0.71. So are suggested forestry methods which are in harmony with nature
Firstly, physical factors of the area were analyzed. Then, forestation as well was determined for the years between 1993 and 2010. The present study aims to determine the role of forest executive/operations management in the amount of sediment production, as well as to determine a factor to reduce it. Results of the study show that afforestation has the highest effect on sediment production (R2=0.34) at a confidence level of 95% in the region.
The area under study is of 13,284 acres and of a height range between 50 and 1900 meters, located in the Khardjegil basin of Asalem (Nav Asalem) and in Asalem city, Guilan province, in the northern part of Iran . Firstly, physical factors of the area were analyzed. Then, harvested volume, as well as the harvesting method in the region was determined for the years between 1993 and 2010. The present study aims to determine the role of forest executive/operations management in the amount of sediment production, as well as to determine a factor to reduce it. Results of the study show that harvested wood has the highest effect on sediment production (R2=0.50) at a confidence level of 95% in the region. An increase in the harvesting volume and the decrease of forest surface, especially in classical forestry management methods like clear cutting method, result in the extensive loss of forest canopy cover and, in turn, the increase of sediment production.
The present paper examines the robustness of the average case O (nlogn) complexity on K-sort, a new version of quick sort. In our first study we reconfirm this through computer experiments. A computer experiment is a series of runs of a code for various inputs. A deterministic computer experiment is one which produces identical results if the code is re-run for identical inputs. Our second study reveals that K-sort is the better choice for discrete uniform distribution U(1, 2,...k) inputs whereas quick sort is found better for continuous uniform distribution U(0, 1) inputs. Interestingly, increasing k which decreases the ties is good for quick sort but bad for K-sort.
Recently, the penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) at medium and low voltages in utility networks is increasing in developed countries and takes special place for them worldwide. Due to the DGs advantages, including using of Renewable Energy which not polluting environment and has endless nature, the application of DGs can potentially reduce the need for traditional system expansion, controlling a potentially huge number of DGs creates a daunting new challenge for operating and controlling the network safely and efficiently. One problem that encountered with it when using with DGs, is an unwanted Islanding phenomenon. In this paper, a active technique for inverter based distributed generations using positive feedback of rate of change of negative voltage sequence of voltage in order to detecting islanding conditions has been present. The simulation results performed in MATLAB, clearly show improved operation of this method.
During the last years, growing power demand and increasing concern about the use of fossil fuels in conventional power plants, the new paradigm of distributed generation is gaining greater commercial and technical importance in worldwide. Due to the DGs advantages, including using of Renewable Energy which not polluting environment and has endless nature, the application of DGs can potentially reduce the need for traditional system expansion, controlling a potentially huge number of DGs creates a daunting new challenge for operating and controlling the network safely and efficiently. One problem that encountered with it when using with DGs, is an unwanted Islanding phenomenon. In this paper, a active technique for inverter based distributed generations using positive feedback of rate of change of positive voltage sequence of voltage in order to detecting islanding conditions has been present. Its performance is much more appropriate than that of previous techniques. The simulation results performed in MATLAB, clearly show improved operation of this method.
Mobile ad hoc networks have great potentials in a wide range of applications. Their inherent vulnerability to various network attacks however limits their wide adaptation and deployment in practice. The present article addresses one of the most dangerous attacks, the packet drop attack in a clustered environment. The nodes that selflessly and honestly forward the packets of other’s are awarded with increase in reputation, sometimes cluster-wide, whereas if a malicious node is caught red-handed then it is blacklisted network-wide. A blacklisted node becomes isolated forever. On the other hand, if packet drop attack of a node cannot be proved, then its reputation is decreased depending upon its earlier behavior, residual energy as per the most recent record of the clusterhead and number of packets yet to be transmitted through the route. Strength of the proposed protocol has been studied w.r.t. link breakage, topological or due to death of a node or malicious packet drop. Numeric results show that it is very effective in various network scenarios compared to other state-of-the-art packet drop detection techniques.
Animals’ overlapping food chains influence the amount of energy – biomass that moves from one feeding level to the next. Dietary habits of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and stone marten (Martes foina) were studied in central Greece, using microscopic stomach analysis. Frequency of occurrence (FO) and relative volume (RV) were quantified. In order to study food niche overlap between two carnivores, the classical Pianka’s index method and an alternative method of tree analysis were compared. Both methods showed a seasonal overlap, provided that RV was used in tree analysis as an influence variable.
The Thin Client Solutions for healthcare offers organizations a reliable, more secure way to manage patient records and other critical medical information. Thin client implementations can provide secure, centralized access to healthcare data, helping reduce medical and billing errors. Centralized access can also improve clinical workflow, helping medical staff get quick, reliable access to accurate information for an improved patient experience. Today, as cloud computing becomes a more mainstream technology, physician practices and healthcare organizations are evaluating whether this platform holds the answer for a less expensive, more secure alternative to traditional computing networks. To better understand the possibility of this computing power, it is important to examine the cultural impact and the challenges of deploying EHR (Electronic Health Records) and other vital medical & clinical information on a cloud computing platform against the benefits